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Career Path - Ana Leandro, Senior Process Engineer at Alloy Enterprises

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What do the career path and the day-in-the-life look like for a Senior Process Engineer at Alloy Enterprises?

We connected with Ana Leandro to find out!

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Where did you grow up and what did your parents do for work?

I grew up in the suburbs of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Rio is known worldwide for its vibrant atmosphere, immortalized in songs like "The Girl from Ipanema," which captures the essence of the city's beauty and charm. 

As for my parents, despite humble beginnings, my mother's early experiences working on a farm and later as a cleaner at a boarding school helped her earn a scholarship that led to bachelor’s degrees in history and law. She now serves as a public servant in the Rio’s Judiciary. Similarly, my father began his career selling bananas in farmer markets and progressed through technical school for mechatronics, furthering his education in electrical and biomedical engineering as well as business administration. He now runs a medical device distribution business. 

Growing up surrounded by their resilience and dedication, I was able to learn about the importance of education and hard work. Their journey has deeply influenced my values and aspirations, shaping the path I've taken in pursuit of my own professional goals.

Where did you go to college?  What did you study and what were some of your initial jobs out of school?

I started my educational journey at the Federal Institute of Rio de Janeiro (IFRJ), diving into a chemistry-based technical program. My studies in Petroleum Engineering at the State University of Northern Rio de Janeiro (UENF) led to my participation in Brazil's "Science without Borders" program, which which opened the door to research and study opportunities in the U.S. At the University of Colorado Boulder, I focused on geophysics and materials science, later earning both my bachelor’s and master's degrees in Chemical Engineering from the University of Wyoming, specializing in carbon engineering for batteries and additive manufacturing.

Starting out my career, I engaged in several technical and research-oriented roles, working in various labs throughout my education. A key project though, on carbon engineering applications in batteries and additive manufacturing really broadened my understanding of material science's potential, leading to my first professional role at a startup where I developed photopolymer resins for 3d printing. This experience not only increased my interest in material development but also highlighted the importance of data in enhancing product development and process improvement.

Since then, I have been actively involved in the additive manufacturing field, working with a variety of technologies from resin formulation to applying both material and data science techniques to enhance material properties and manufacturing processes. All those projects really opened my eyes to how crucial data is in the additive manufacturing industry. It led to my growing appreciation for what data can do, which motivated me to dive into a postgraduate degree in Data Science while working full time(haha). It was quite the ride, but definitely a rewarding one! This program significantly enhanced my capabilities in managing large datasets and applying machine learning techniques to complex projects.

What has attributed to your success thus far and has helped propel you to the position you have now?

Three things really stand out to me. 

First, the blend of disciplines I’ve studied—chemistry, petroleum engineering, chemical engineering, and data science—has given me a more versatile toolkit for solving problems. I believe each field offers a unique and/or different perspective, enabling me to tackle challenges from various angles.

Dedication has been very important as well. Whether it was balancing a demanding job with night classes or navigating through challenging projects, my commitment has always been central to my achievements so far.

Lastly, I would say, adaptability. I've found that in the rapidly evolving field of additive manufacturing and startups in general, staying flexible and embracing new technologies is genuinely necessary.

Can you share the high-level responsibilities of your current position as a Senior Process Engineer at Alloy Enterprises?

In my role, I handle a broad array of tasks centered around optimizing our manufacturing processes. One of my primary responsibilities is managing and enhancing data utilization through a distributed search engine, developing indexes that greatly improve our data storage and retrieval capabilities. This effort is vital for my work in creating and maintaining dashboards that provide clear visualizations of our production processes, fostering ongoing improvement.

Additionally, I design and oversee relational databases specifically tailored to streamline these processes. A significant portion of my time is also dedicated to data analysis and the development of machine learning models that predict and elucidate process behaviors, integrating advanced analytics into our process improvement strategies.

On the experimental side, I conduct various laboratory experiments related to chemistry, aimed at understanding how different conditions affect our processes and materials. I utilize multiple design of experiment (DOE) software tools to ensure these experiments are well-planned and yield meaningful insights.

Lastly, my role encompasses project management, where I coordinate across teams to advance project goals and ensure efficient progress towards our strategic objectives.

Any tips for someone considering a career in your field?

For aspiring professionals in additive manufacturing, I would say, embracing interdisciplinary learning is key. 

Explore a range of fields that intersect with your interests; each discipline you delve into will uniquely enhance your problem-solving abilities.

Never underestimate the power of continuous learning. 

Whether through formal education, online courses, workshops, or hands-on experiences, prioritize expanding your knowledge and skills. This not only boosts your capabilities but also keeps you motivated and engaged in your chosen field.

Maintain flexibility in your thinking and be open to unconventional solutions. 

Adaptability is crucial for staying ahead in dynamic industries where innovation is constant.

If you're still in college, actively seek hands-on opportunities. 

While theoretical knowledge is essential, practical experience is invaluable. Engage in research projects, internships, or lab work to reinforce theoretical concepts, sharpen problem-solving skills, and expand your professional network.

Lastly, never underestimate the impact of networking and building strong relationships within the industry. 

Connect with mentors, peers, and professionals who can offer guidance, support, and valuable insights. Collaborative relationships often lead to new opportunities, innovative ideas, and personal growth.

Coffee, tea, or nothing?

I'm an Earl Grey enthusiast all day long.

What time do you start working?

I usually kickstart my workday between 7-9 am, depending on the day.

What are three things that motivate you in your role?

The diverse environment at my company motivates me because it fosters creativity, innovation, and different perspectives. Working alongside people from various backgrounds enriches our discussions, problem-solving approaches, and overall work culture. As a woman of color in STEAM fields, seeing diversity embraced within the organization not only empowers me but also reinforces the importance of inclusivity and representation in the workplace.

I also find motivation in facing challenges because they push me to think creatively, problem-solve effectively, and continuously improve my skills. Overcoming challenges also provides a sense of accomplishment and growth, strengthening my confidence and resilience in tackling future obstacles.  

The ongoing opportunity to learn new things and make a difference in my role is incredibly motivating. Whether it's acquiring new skills, staying updated with industry advancements, or contributing to meaningful projects, the ability to learn and make a positive impact fuels my passion for my work.  

Every day is different, but can you outline what a typical day looks like for you?

My day starts with tea and a beet-carrot smoothie, followed by email check-ins and task management. Then, I dive into data analysis and modeling, and if I'm in the lab, I conduct experiments. I also allocate time to design experiments and learn new skills, like programming languages.

What time do you typically wrap up the workday?

On most days, I finish around 5-6 pm, but this can vary depending on project demands or ongoing tasks.

Do you log back in at night or do you shut it down completely?

Given the hybrid nature of my role, I'm often logged in at night to stay connected.

Any productivity hacks?

I swear by making checklists to stay organized and focused.

What are the 3 apps that you can’t live without?

Netflix for downtime: After a long day, Netflix helps me unwind and relax with a good show or movie.

Guitar Tuna for my musical pursuits (guitar and cavaquinho): Music is a big part of my life, and Guitar Tuna is essential for tuning my instruments.

WhatsApp, as a cliche Latina, for staying connected with family back in Brazil: WhatsApp is my lifeline to staying connected with my family, sharing updates, and feeling close despite the distance. 

What professional accomplishment are you proudest of?

Securing a patent for synthesizing graphene oxide from various carbon feedstocks was a significant achievement that reflected years of hard work, dedication, and innovative thinking. It was a proud moment for me, highlighting my contribution to technological advancements in my field.

Who do you admire or call upon for professional advice?

I admire and seek advice from mentors who have excelled in my field, as their experience and insights are invaluable in navigating challenges and making informed decisions. Additionally, I consult with successful professionals who have achieved significant milestones, as their perspectives and strategies offer valuable lessons for my own career growth.

Biggest guilty pleasure song and/or artist?

"Survivor" by Cake is my go-to guilty pleasure song, no questions asked.

About the

Alloy Enterprises’ novel system provides high throughput of fully-dense parts, enabling manufacturers to scale from prototyping to series production.

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